Mistakes to Avoid After a Truck Accident in St. Louis County

There are many ways a person could make a detrimental mistake during the claims process for a truck accident. Some of the most common ways to put yourself in a difficult position following a crash are admitting fault, failing to receive medical attention, and providing recorded statements without having an experienced attorney at your side. Schedule a consultation to learn more about the mistakes to avoid after a truck accident in St. Louis County.

Is it a Mistake to Apologize at the Scene of an Accident?

It may be tempting to apologize after a crash because of the dramatic circumstances, but doing so can lead to legal ramifications. This is a very crucial mistake after local truck accidents that should be avoided at all costs.

By apologizing or admitting fault, a victim would be acknowledging that they were responsible, even if it was obvious that the defendant caused the crash. It is best to wait until authorities or an attorney conducts a full scene investigation after the crash. Admitting fault, especially on video or in the presence of witnesses, may completely destroy a case.

Refusing Medical Attention

In the moments following an accident, it is vital that victims receive medical attention. Not only is this important for identifying any underlying injuries, but it is also vital to create a medical record which could be used as evidence in an injury claim. By having proof that a victim sustained injuries, it is more than likely that a victim would receive compensation for their damages. Failure to seek medical attention could prove detrimental to a person’s case.

How Can Treatment Gaps Hurt a Case?

A gap in treatment after a trucking crash can substantially hurt an injury case because it allows the defendant to claim that the victim was not seriously injured. It also makes proving causation difficult because the doctor may not be able to relate the crash to the treatment after the gap. A medical professional must be able to say that the trucking crash directly caused the injuries and subsequent medical treatment.

Danger of Providing Recorded Statements in St. Louis County

The danger of giving a recorded statement to the other driver’s insurance company before consulting an attorney is that the trucking company or insurance company will twist the individual’s words.  They will say that the individual was not injured because they said they were fine.

One of the main dangers of providing a recorded statement to the other driver’s insurance company before consulting an attorney is that the trucking company or insurance company may twist a person’s words into an admission of guilt. Something as simple as saying, “How are you doing today?” and the individual responding with, “Fine,” can be used against them.

People typically make the mistake of giving a recorded statement after a trucking crash because they feel that they are legally obligated to do so. There is no legal obligation to give a recorded statement to the other party’s insurance company in Missouri. The exception to that would be if it is an uninsured motorist case involving an uninsured truck driver, then one would be filing the claim through their insurance company. However, they are entitled to have a lawyer with them to guide them during this questioning.

Contact an 18-Wheeler Crash Attorney as Soon as Possible

Upon receiving medical attention for your injuries, it is strongly recommended to get in touch with a trucking attorney. A lawyer may be able to offer you professional guidance regarding your case and advise you on your next actions throughout the claims process. To get started on your case, or if you wish to find out more information regarding the common mistakes to avoid after a truck accident in St. Louis County, be sure to get in touch with an attorney today.