Mutrux Firm Injury Lawyers


camp lejeune water contamination

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination – Attention Military Families

camp lejeune water contamination

The reports regarding Camp Lejeune in North Carolina are absolutely shocking. Some scientist have called it the worse drinking-water contamination in our nation’s history.

What is particularly disturbing is that it affected those who were serving their country and their families.

Water at Camp Lejeune was found to have been contaminated with benzene, trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene among others between 1953 to 1987.

In the time since, residents of the base have experienced severe negative side-effects, like Cancer, Renal Toxicity, Infertitlity, Parkinson’s, Myeloma and more.


The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) tried to avoid helping US Marines and their families, but a new bipartisan bill allows our heroes to get the help they deserve.

Our specialist lawyers can help you and your family get the maximum compensation you deserve.


As a Veteran Owned Firm, we stand ready to assist anyone who has suffered injury as a result of exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune.

Click here to make a claim

If you or a loved one lived, worked or served their country at Camp Lejeune from August 1, 1953 until December 31, 1987 contact us today!



Camp Lejeune Water Contamination – Attention Military Families