Mutrux Firm Injury Lawyers


This time of year, the roads are packed with people in a hurry trying to get home to family, friends, and that much bragged about Thanksgiving day turkey.   Increased traffic means increased hazards on the roadway.  To help you navigate, below are some helpful travel tips.

Plan your trip:

  • Review your route online.
  • Even if you have a GPS, plan ahead before you start your trip.  Don’t just punch in your destination as you are pulling out of the driveway.     Think about how many times your GPS has been wrong.
  • Check the traffic and weather conditions, and plan an alternative route if possible.
  • The most up-to-the-minute road conditions throughout the nation can be found at
  • If you’re traversing Missouri roads, check out the highway cameras for major roads at MoDOT’s  website.

Fill up now:

  • Remember that gas is usually a little cheaper earlier in the week, so save a little money and fill up early (it may be too late due to my delay in posting this…sorry).
  • To help you keep a close eye on gas prices, go to  They even have iPhone and Android apps so you can check along the way.

Be prepared for an emergency:

  • Program important contact numbers into your phone: insurance, roadside assistance, etc.
  • Don’t forget your cell phone charger.  Your phone is nothing better than a paper weight if the battery is dead.
  • Don’t forget the emergency kit: blankets, extra food, and some jumper cables

Put away your cell phone!: Even in normal driving conditions, talking and texting on cell phones greatly increases your risk for an accident.  That risk is even greater during Thanksgiving due to increased traffic.

Keep your home safe: Many break-ins happen during the holidays because thieves know people aren’t going to be home.

  • Have friends or neighbors stop by every couple of days to keep an eye on things.
  • Set timers on your lights to make sure it looks like someone is home.
  • Don’t post your vacation plans on Facebook or Twitter letting people know that you are away for the holidays.

Vehicle Maintenance Checklist (shortlist):

  • Is your tire pressure low?
  • Do you need an oil change?
  • Are your wiper blades working?
  • Is your battery in good shape?
  • Are your fluids at the right levels?

Whatever you choose to do for the holidays, be prepared and stay safe.  Check out your Thanksgiving weather, plan ahead, and have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Contact us today for a free consultation & know more about us.

Safe Travel Tips for Thanksgiving