How long is too long to wait to get treatment for your injury case?

Attorney Tyson Mutrux describes in this video, how long is too long to wait to get treatment for your injury case?

Hi! Tyson Mutrux here with the Mutrux Law Firm. Today what I want to do is I want to talk about, “How long is usually too long to wait to get treatment for your personal injury case?”

Now, what we’re talking about here, let’s say you’re in an auto accident, “How long is too long to wait to actually file a claim where you’ll recover for those injuries?” Now, there’s no hard and fast rule. There are sometimes injuries that have a delayed onset. Concussion is a strong, one of those injuries, that I’m talking about where there’s a delayed onset. You may not know about it for months. You may experience some headaches right away, but you may not know that you have concussion for a while. That’s one of the exceptions of what I’m talking about here.

For issues like neck and back injuries, soft tissues, stuff like that, the rule of thumb is usually about three weeks, okay? So, if you don’t go to a doctor, emergency room, primary care physician, chiropractor, in three weeks many times insurance companies are not going to pay for it.

If something like a tear or a break or something like that, obviously you’re going to treat that right away, but those are also easier to track what the date of the injury was, a little bit easier, but when they start to heal back, well, then you have some problems.

But usually, about three weeks is the rule of thumb. However, that’s not a hard and fast rule. It really depends on case by case.

Tyson Mutrux