Mutrux Firm Injury Lawyers


Date of Incident: February 25, 2017

Type of Case: Car Crash

Location: Watson Road and Laclede Station Road in St. Louis, Missouri

Summary of Case:

Our client was turning left to go south onto Laclede Station Road from Watson Road when the defendant was traveling east on Watson Road and attempted to turn right on a red light to go south onto Laclede Station Road. Not only did the defendant fail to yield to oncoming traffic, but she also crossed the centerline and drove into my client’s lane. When the defendant crossed the centerline, she made contact with the passenger side door of our client’s vehicle, causing serious damage. Our client was also severely injured in the crash.


The insurance company is disputing liability. However, after visiting the scene of the crash and speaking to the manager of the nearby gas station, we were able to view a video of the collision. The video clearly showed that the defendant was at fault for the crash.


Lower back and neck injuries, the extent of which is yet to be determined.


PENDING as of the date of this post. However, we anticipate that the insurance company will have no other option but to accept liability .


Fully investigate every case. The total investigation to determine liability took less than one hour. This will save our client months of litigation and will ensure she gets the treatment she needs, her medical bills paid and payment for pain and suffering.

Were you involved in a car accident? Get in touch with Mutrux Firm today!

Case Study: Disputed Liability Car Crash