St. Louis Product Liability Lawyer
Product recalls occur very frequently. However, what is not always mentioned is the reason for the recalls. In such cases, companies may wait until someone sustains an injury from a defective product before they act and issue a recall. This leaves unsuspecting victims susceptible to injuries.
If you suffered an injury caused by a malfunctioning or poorly labeled product, it may be a good idea to talk to a St. Louis County product liability lawyer. A professional attorney could evaluate your circumstances and explain whether you may be entitled to compensation.
What are Some Examples of Product Defects?
A defective product is not just one that is “broken.” Defects that cause a product to be unnecessarily dangerous can involve labeling and instructions, design concept, manufacturing, or other aspects of a product. Common examples of product defects involve:
- Marketing defects
- Defects in the design
- Manufacturing defects
Marketing Defects
When a manufacturer brings a product to market, the company has a responsibility to those to whom they market that product. The product should be fit for its ordinary intended use. However, that can be difficult to determine if the company fails to explain what the intended use is supposed to be.
Manufacturers should provide instructions explaining the safe use of the product. In addition, they should provide warnings about dangers in using the product in a way that could cause harm. They should also warn about inherent hazards that may not be obvious, such as sharp blades. A St. Louis County defective products lawyer may be able to help an injured consumer recover compensation if a company fails to provide adequate labels and instructions with a product.
Defects in the Design
In some cases, the dangers posed by a product can be traced back to a flawed design. In order to recover for a defective design, it is necessary to show that the product was used as intended, but the design itself is inherently unsafe and that caused injury.
Manufacturing Defects
Unlike design defects where all products of a type may be dangerous when a danger stems from a manufacturing defect, the product that causes harm differs from all the other products made by the manufacturer. A piece may have been omitted during assembly, or it may suffer from a fault that causes it to fail. As a result, the safety of unsuspecting consumers may be at risk.
What is the Difference Between Strict Liability and Negligence in St. Louis County?
In some situations where a defective product causes an injury, the manufacturer may be held strictly liable for the harm caused by that product. Other times, a defective products attorney in St. Louis County may need to help injured individuals prove that a manufacturer acted negligently with respect to the product, and caused the injuries suffered by the victim.
When a company is held strictly liable for an outcome, it is not necessary to show that they acted negligently in some way. Instead, it is possible to obtain damages by demonstrating that the company manufactured a product, the product was defective, and the defect caused harm when the product was subjected to ordinary use.
Work with an Experienced St. Louis County Defective Products Attorney
Missouri product liability law allows a claim to be made against the seller of a product as well as the manufacturer. A St. Louis County product liability lawyer could investigate to determine the parties responsible for the defect and pursue a claim for fair compensation. Prompt action could uncover the best evidence to support a claim.
Those who produce and market dangerous products should be required to bear responsibility for the harm caused by those products. To learn more about the advantages of working with a knowledgeable product liability attorney, call now.