St. Louis County Scar Injury Lawyer
Scars can be devastating, especially when they are on your face, neck, arms, and hands because you’re not able to easily hide them. Scar injuries also mean you’ve suffered some traumatic event like a car crash or a dog bite.
Some of our clients tell us how difficult it is to look in the mirror each morning because they hate the reminder of seeing their scars. This can be a terrible feeling. You deserve better. You deserve to get better.
The Injuries Aren’t Just Physical
Sometimes the psychological injuries take longer to heal than the physical injuries. And they can be more severe. We recommend that all of our clients seek counseling if they’re struggling from a serious injury, and that’s especially true for scar injuries. If you need assistance dealing with the emotional injuries, call a doctor right away. If you don’t know who to call, we can help.
Why Scars are Commonly Overlooked
In an injury case, what most people focus on is the broken arm. What’s often overlooked is the thing that can last for the rest of your life; the scar from the surgery to fix the broken arm. Why is this? Medical records rarely say much, if anything, about the scar left by the surgery. Without photos from the client, this can easily be forgotten.
There’s Hope
We’ve teamed with a network of doctors and clinics to bring our clients the best medical care in the region. From scar revision surgery to counseling, we can get you the right doctors for your injuries.
Not all doctors (or lawyers) are created equal, and our firm is in the unique position of knowing who is good and bad because we work with physicians and hospitals on a daily basis.
We will get you the help you need.
Don’t Use a Multiplier
Some lawyers use a multiplier to calculate losses. We don’t for a variety of reasons, but lawyers that use it commit a fatal error for a scar case. I’ll show you by way of example.
Most scar cases have a relatively small amount of medical bills (roughly $2,000-$5,0000). Using a multiplier of five like many firms use, they will send a demand of $10,0000-$25,000. And that’s just the demand. The insurance company will negotiate that number down even more.
The multiplier fails to take into consideration future medical costs and the psychological effects of scarring, which are substantially higher for these types of cases. For an average revision surgery, the cost ranges from $15,000-$25,000. For more serious scars, the cost could skyrocket up to $50,000.
Anyone with a basic understanding of math can see how the multiplier leaves tens of thousands of dollars on the table. That’s money out of your pocket that you could have used for revision surgery and for your recovery.
Final Thoughts…
Even if you don’t hire us, hire someone. Scar cases can be tricky. Most of all, you need to get better. Let the lawyers do the work while you rest and recover.
We wish you all the best with your recovery.